TrackingMore API


Manage your trackings

URI Method Description
POST /trackings/post POST Create a tracking.
GET /trackings/{carrier_code}/{tracking_number} GET Get tracking results of a single tracking.
PUT /trackings/{carrier_code}/{tracking_number} PUT Modify order id, order title, shipment status and other additional fields of a single tracking.
DELETE /trackings/{carrier_code}/{tracking_number} DELETE Delete a tracking.
POST /trackings/batch POST Create multiple trackings.
GET /trackings/get GET Get tracking results of multiple trackings.
POST /trackings/updatemore POST Modify order id, order title, shipment status and other additional fields of multiple trackings.
POST /trackings/delete POST Delete multiple trackings.
POST /trackings/realtime POST Get realtime tracking results of a single tracking.
POST /trackings/update POST Modify courier code
GET /trackings/getuserinfo GET Get account info
GET /trackings/getstatusnumber GET Get number of trackings in each package status.
POST /trackings/notupdate POST Stop updating trackings
POST /trackings/remote POST Check if a shipment is sent to remote area.
POST /trackings/costtime POST Get courier aging results
POST /trackings/aircargo POST Get tracking result of air waybill number

Get realtime tracking results of a single tracking.


  • Content-Type: application/json
    Trackingmore-Api-Key: YOUR_API_KEY
  • Tips

    POST /trackings/realtime interface concurrency limit 3 times/s.


tracking_numberTracking number
carrier_codeCourier code
destination_code (optional)Destination two character country code (eg: us, cn, ca, ru...).
tracking_ship_date(optional)Shipping date in YYYYMMDD format. Required by some couriers, such as deutsch-post
tracking_postal_code(optional)The postal code of receiver's address. Required by some couriers, such as postnl-3s
tracking_account_number(optional)Account Number
specialNumberDestination(optional)Destination Country of the shipment for a specific courier. Required by some couriers, such as postnl-3s
order (optional)Text field for order ID.
order_create_time (optional)Order Create Time(eg:2017/8/27 16:51).
lang (optional)Return to language type (only when courier official website supports)..Learn more
auto_correct (optional)If you set the value to 1, our system will not automatically correct the courier..
comment (optional)Text field for comment

Request Body

  • {
        "tracking_number": "LS912989618CN",
        "carrier_code": "china-ems",
        "destination_code": "US",
        "order": "12645654",
        "order_create_time": "2017/8/27 16:51",
        "comment": "备注"
  • Response Body 200

        "meta": {
            "code": 200,
            "type": "Success",
            "message": "Success"
        "data": {
            "items": [{
                "id": "f1e0645c3288bae10b8ab6ad89ca187b",
                "tracking_number": "LS912989618CN",
                "carrier_code": "china-ems",
                "order_create_time": "2017\/8\/27 16:51",
                "status": "transit",
                "original_country": "China",
                "destination_country": "United States",
                "itemTimeLength": 11,
                "stayTimeLength": 4,
                "service_code": null,
                "origin_info": {
                    "ItemReceived": "2018-04-07 16:45:00",
                    "ItemDispatched": null,
                    "DepartfromAirport": null,
                    "ArrivalfromAbroad": "2018-04-14 17:07:00",
                    "CustomsClearance": null,
                    "DestinationArrived": null,
                    "weblink": "http:\/\/\/",
                    "phone": "11183",
                    "carrier_code": "china-ems",
                    "trackinfo": [{
                        "Date": "2018-04-14 17:07:00",
                        "StatusDescription": "到达处理中心,来自中国 郑州",
                        "Details": "美国",
                        "checkpoint_status": "transit"
                    }, {
                        "Date": "2018-04-07 21:18:37",
                        "StatusDescription": "离开郑州市 发往旧金山",
                        "Details": "郑州市",
                        "checkpoint_status": "transit"
                    }, {
                        "Date": "2018-04-07 16:45:00",
                        "StatusDescription": "中国邮政速递物流股份有限公司河南省国际速递分公司五已收件(揽投员姓名:,联系电话:)",
                        "Details": "郑州市",
                        "checkpoint_status": "transit"
                "destination_info": {
                    "ItemReceived": "2018-04-07 16:45",
                    "ItemDispatched": null,
                    "DepartfromAirport": null,
                    "ArrivalfromAbroad": "2018-04-16 20:01",
                    "CustomsClearance": null,
                    "DestinationArrived": null,
                    "weblink": "http:\/\/\/",
                    "phone": "1-800-275-8777",
                    "carrier_code": "usps",
                    "trackinfo": [{
                        "Date": "2018-04-17 22:30",
                        "StatusDescription": "Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility",
                        "Details": "DES MOINES IA NETWORK DISTRIBUTION CENTER",
                        "checkpoint_status": "transit"
                    }, {
                        "Date": "2018-04-17 00:00",
                        "StatusDescription": "In Transit to Next Facility",
                        "Details": "",
                        "checkpoint_status": "transit"
                    }, {
                        "Date": "2018-04-16 20:01",
                        "StatusDescription": "Arrived at USPS Regional Facility",
                        "Details": "SAN JOSE CA DISTRIBUTION CENTER",
                        "checkpoint_status": "transit"
                    }, {
                        "Date": "2018-04-14 17:07",
                        "StatusDescription": "Processed Through Facility",
                        "Details": "ISC SAN FRANCISCO (USPS)",
                        "checkpoint_status": "transit"
                    }, {
                        "Date": "2018-04-07 17:00",
                        "StatusDescription": "Processed Through Facility",
                        "Details": "ZHENGZHOU EMS,CHINA",
                        "checkpoint_status": "transit"
                    }, {
                        "Date": "2018-04-07 16:45",
                        "StatusDescription": "Acceptance",
                        "Details": "CHINA",
                        "checkpoint_status": "transit"
                    }, {
                        "Date": "2018-04-07 16:45",
                        "StatusDescription": "Origin Post is Preparing Shipment",
                        "Details": "",
                        "checkpoint_status": "transit"
                "lastEvent": "Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility,DES MOINES IA NETWORK DISTRIBUTION CENTER,2018-04-17 22:30",
                "lastUpdateTime": "2018-04-17 22:30"

Take your post-purchase order tracking experience to the next level